Linggo, Nobyembre 3, 2013

Blog post 5: Your Favorite Colors and What It Says About You

Have you ever wondered how and why people have different color preferences? I mean, if you ask a bunch of people about having favoritism in colors, would they give you the same answers? Definitely not. People have their own reasons why they like a certain color. Some would say that they like the color red, or pink, or blue. Yes, there are a lot of colors from the spectrum to choose as your favorite color, but people seem to be limited with choosing one. Most people would probably pick the most common colors of all, the ones found in an 8-colored Crayola Crayons, to be their favorite.

According to an article by Preachy Perfect, people have either two reasons why they have favorite colors. The first reason is that certain colors naturally evoke specific emotions in most people. Going back to the other blog posts I've had before, there are different emotions that the colors symbolizes. Now, it's just up to people how they control and manipulate such emotions when they visualize a color. People choose their favorite colors with something they enjoy.

For example, my personal favorite is the color blue and yellow. I liked the sun so much that it was actually the cause of my blurry vision. I enjoyed looking directly at it when I was a kid. Now, whenever I see something as bright as the sun, which are the yellow colored clothes, shoes and accessories, I feel so light and glad. However, my love for blue started back when I was on my second grade. Our designated grade color then was blue, so having blue stuff for school somehow motivated me to always use my school supplies. There was a feeling of being boyish, because almost all my girl friends liked pink. But that love for blue may also came from my love for light things, just like how I feel the warmth of yellow.

Another reason pointed out by Preachy is that certain colors remind people of other things that they like. They say that oftentimes, societal influences give a direct impact on what colors we favor and disdain. Just like how any child is attracted to something when they were young. If you give a little girl a pink bear, most likely, her favorite color would be pink, until the time she grows up and change her tastes. In the same way, if you love to travel and see trees, there is also a high probability for you to pick green as your favorite.

When I was a kid, I loved watching the all-time favorite television program, Sesame Street. Big bird was obviously big and was a funny creature, so  I liked it. Somehow,  its color influenced me too in having yellow as my favorite color, since having it in my coloring book is really amazing.

But do you know how your favorite colors tell something about yourself? Another article with the title Your Favorite Color: What It Says About You by Annie B. Bond, a color expert, says that our color preferences serve as a key to understanding our personalities. How? That is for us to find out.

Someone who is gentle and sincere may prefer green as their favorite color. Do you know the term "green-thumb"? Well, I think that term was coined next to green as being known for nature. Just like someone who loves the leaves and the green landscapes, he/she probably has the skills to make plants bloom and grow better than other people. Consequently, having some hands-on experience with plants give him/her the idea of liking the color green.

Did you know that people with shrewd personalities actually likes the color yellow? You want to know why? Actually, the same article says that yellow shows intelligence. Something or someone that has to do with the mind can be sparked by the color yellow. On the other hand, a cheerful and bubbly person with a sunny personality is often associated with yellow. Not because it is next to the color of the sun, but because it gives other people an idea of being free and happy. So knowing a person who loves yellow, it's just two things: intelligence and happiness.

Well, I won't elaborate too much on each color. After all, we are still the one who has the last say with regards to judging other people's personality. Their favoritism for colors are just one of the factors you can consider when thinking about the way how a person reacts on different things. I mean, it;s up to us whether our perception about someone changes as we discover their favorite colors. With that, I'll leave you with a quote by Ted Grant. "When you photograph people in color, you photograph their clothes. But when you photograph people in black and white, you photograph their souls!"

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